Repairing Lawn Damage

Damage to a lawn can be attributed to a variety of causes, for example, pet urine, heavy foot traffic, furniture placement, insects, disease, and lack of previous maintenance, to name a few.  There is more than one way to repair spots due to one of the above, or other, reasons. For the purposes of this article, we’ll stick with the most straightforward and effective method.  Here is an outline of what to do to repair damaged areas on your lawn.

Preparing the Area

If there are any weeds, objects, or obstructions on or near the area you wish to repair, remove them to the best of your ability. Weeds must be completely removed from the lawn, roots and all. Dig out dead areas about one inch into the ground and take care to put back any displaced soil. Rake smooth.

Grass Seed

Ask your local lawn pro and inquire about a grass seed suited or matched to your lawn. Depending on your preference, you may opt to purchase a bag of grass seed, which you will apply over the soil by hand. Before you apply the seed, fertilise the area and then apply the seed thereafter. Don’t spread it too generously. The rule of thumb is about 6 seeds per square inch. Once the seed is in, spray lightly with water and cover with a layer of straw.  The straw acts as a protective layer so birds won’t be tempted to eat the seed, and as an insulator to conserve moisture. You can also use polyethylene sheets for this purpose.